Articles on Pool Troubleshooting
Swimming Pool Pump Problems - Insufficient Water Flow
When a swimming pool pump is working properly, the pump strainer pot should be filled with water and a good flow of water should be visible through the clear pump basket lid. If the pump basket is not completely filling with water, it is an indicator that there could be insufficient water flowing through the pump, which can lead to many different problems with the pool equipment and the pool water. Following are some of the more common reasons for insufficient water flow through the pool pump.
Pool Pump Not Moving Any Water - If there is no visible signs of water moving through the pump pot, troubleshoot using the following list.
No Water in the Pump Strainer Basket � turn off the pump, remove the pump pot lid and fill with water. Replace the lid and start the pump again. The problem could be as simple as the pump just needing to be primed.
Pump strainer pot lid not on properly or not tight enough � the pool pump lid might not be put on properly or there may be debris causing an air leak. Make sure the pump lid is clean and on properly. Be cautious not to over tighten the pump basket lid.
Pump lid o-ring missing or damaged � sometimes when the pump basket is cleaned out, the o-ring will pop off the lid unnoticed. Then, when the lid is put back on, there is an air leak that stops the pump from priming. Make sure the pump lid o-ring is on properly and is in good shape.
Pump strainer basket or skimmer basket is clogged if either of the baskets are clogged, the pump will not be able to pull the required amount of water from the pool.
Water level is too low and below the skimmer � if the water level gets below the skimmer intake, there won't be any water for the pump to draw from. This is another very common issue. Make sure the water level is half way up the skimmer inlet.
Low Flow through Pool Pump with Low Filter Pressure - with the pool equipment on, if there is some flow through the pump basket, but it is apparent that the flow is not sufficient (the pump basket is not filling completely and has air in it), and the filter pressure is low, troubleshoot using the following list.
Pump Basket or Skimmer Basket is Clogged with Debris � when the baskets are clogged, the pool pump cannot pull the water it needs and the pressure at the filter will be low. Turn off the pool equipment and thoroughly clean out all the baskets.
Clogged Pool Pump Impeller � occasionally, small debris will get past the pump basket and get clogged in the pump impeller. It is surprising how just a small rock or a small clump of debris can clog up the pump impeller and stop the impeller from pushing the appropriate amount of water. With all equipment turned off, open the pump basket and flush out the impeller with water.
Air Leak in Suction Line � as discussed above, even a small air leak in the suction lines or at the pump basket will stop the pump from moving enough water.
Low Flow through Pool Pump with High Filter Pressure - if there is some flow through the pump basket, but it is apparent that the flow is not sufficient, and the filter pressure is high, troubleshoot using the following list.
Main Pool Filter Dirty � a dirty filter is the most likely reason for the high filter pressure. Cleaning the main pool filter is always a good issue to eliminate first when troubleshooting pool problems.
Valve in the Return Line is fully or partially closed � sometimes when adjusting the valves that control a water feature or in ground spa, the valve is not returned to its proper position and blocks some or all of the water from returning to the swimming pool. When this happens, backpressure will build up and show at the main filter pressure gauge with a high reading. Check and adjust the valves as needed.
A properly working swimming pool pump is a key element to avoiding problems with the pool. It is recommended that turning on the equipment and checking the water flow through the pump become a routine part of your weekly pool maintenance tasks.
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